Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Who is Flat Pretty Pearl?


Pretty Pearl was a VERY pretty young lady. Every morning her routine was the exact same. She would jump out of bed, go to the mirror and shake her pretty head. While in the mirror she would say, "I am SO pretty to my left. I am SO pretty to my right. I am SOOO pretty I can't sleep at night." Her family would simply laugh and tell her "One day that mirror is going to be the death of you."

One morning, just before Pretty Pearl had the chance to complete her morning routine, the ugliest thing happened..... 

The mirror fell on top of her and flattened her. OH NO!! Poor Pretty Pearl. Pearls were everywhere! Now what was she going to do? Would she still be the prettiest girl in the world although she was flat? BUT OF COURSE! She would simply change her name to Flat Pretty Pearl. This new look was growing on her, because she needed to lose a couple of pounds anyway. 

Please join Flat Pretty Pearl on her many adventures!! Enjoy!!

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