Monday, September 22, 2014

SOCIALLY accepted!!

When you’re born, did you know that everyone receives a birth certificate? On this birth certificate you have your parents’ names, date/ time of birth, the hospital where you were born and other important information. Did you know that you also receive a very important number that you and only you own for the rest of your life? This number is called a social security number.

            Ginelle taught me all about the Social Security office. This is a very interesting government establishment that helps you get everything from a new social security card to changing your last name. Seeing that Ginelle just got married, she decided to take me to the Social Security office to change her last name. After she changes her last name, she will then be mailed a new social security card with her new name.

              Just because Ginelle changed her last name, this does not mean that she will receive a new social security number. Your social security number sticks with you forever. I don’t think there is ever a time when you can have your number changed. How are they assigned? The government randomly assigns them to you.

.           You ask, what is the job of this number? This number is vital because it helps you obtain a driver’s license, get a house, apply for a job, college and even a passport. The job of the social security number doesn’t stop there, when you get older, around the ages of your grandparents, it’s very important for when you retire because it helps you pay for their meds, house, etc.

            It’s very important that you keep up with this number; because once a stranger gets a their hands on it, then it’s very hard to repair the damage that may occur. Please visit the social security website to learn more information about this and more:

So much good information, so little time!!

Friday, September 19, 2014


Pastor Van definitely preached this sermon!!

On Sunday, Ginelle and her family normally gather together and go to church. Although lots of your friends may not share the same religion with you, it’s ok. We are all different and God loves each and every one of us.

 Here I am, bright and early!! I'm so GLAD to be here.

 Ginelle told me that religion can be defined as an interest or belief that is very important to a person. Just because someone doesn’t share the same religious beliefs as you or a majority of your friends, doesn’t mean that we should look down on this person(s), it just provides you an opportunity to learn more about their religion. Maybe you guys can talk about and share some similarities/differences and even experience different religious celebrations together. Then you can go home and share them with your family.

Shhh! Its so quiet in the sanctuary before church starts. People are praying and reflecting, this means to think.

Ginelle’s favorite holiday is Christmas. This takes place every year on DECEMBER 25TH. I know a lot of you think that Christmas is all about getting gifts, but according to Ginelle’s religion of Christianity, it’s about the birth of Jesus Christ. On this day, all Christians should come together to thank God for His one and only son. On the other hand, Muslims share a similar celebration, except it occurs on a different day every year depending upon their religious calendar.  The name of their celebration is called Eid. Eid is seen as a time where they all gather, eat and give gifts in celebration of the ending of their fast. This is awesome how these two religions share some similarities and differences.

 I truly enjoyed hearing Ginelle’s pastor preach. He spoke on the story of Ruth and how we should all try to be like her. Although, people may be different in race, size, age, etc. Just because we differ in religion doesn’t make them any different. God created everyone unique, which means to be different in a special way. That’s what makes this world so amazing!

Please don’t hesitate to visit!! Until then, click on the following link to learn more about Ginelle’s church:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Hello Everyone!! Welcome to the YMCA!

4, 3, 2, 1….. Alright take a two second breather and give me 50 more. My oh my, who knew that working out could be such hard work? Ginelle is breaking the ultimate pretty girl rule of them all: Never let a pretty girl sweat. She keeps encouraging me that working out at least thirty minutes a day is really good for your heart, muscles and basically every part of your body.

This ball is so heavy, please someone help me!!

The YMCA believes that everyone should live active lives whether they are children, adults or senior citizens. Families should lead happy and healthy lives together. The YMCA provides a number of activities to achieve this goal. They offer group exercise classes from water aerobics to adult sports. There's something for everyone.

                                        Whewwww I need a break!

I now have my YMCA membership card and all of this vital information.

Check out the YMCA website for more information at

Now go work out Pearlettes!!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Oh the Places You'll Go........

Today Ginelle and I decided to take a field trip to the public library. It was the best trip ever!! The library provides so many new and exciting adventures.

Please visit their website at

Let me warn you, if you’re going to go on one of these exciting adventures, you have to be REALLLLLYYY quiet. Being quiet is the library’s number one rule. I don’t mind because it helps me to respect others that are also trying to take a magical journey.

Do you think I could take a magical journey on this bike?

  However, if you just cannot help yourself, then you can always check the book out and enjoy it even more at home. You or your parent/ guardian will need a library card.

The library has books for everyone about everything. From your oldest grandparent to your youngest brother or sister, everyone is guaranteed to find a book on any subject. ABCs? Dinosaurs? How to fix the toilet? Or a book about Dentures? The library has it.

 Even if they aren’t able to read or just want to be read to, there are lots of movies available and even books on CD. The library also has a wide selection of music available on CDs and also online.

oH hello!! I' m Just hanging out in the movie section

Speaking of online resources, everything that you wish to access when you’re in the library, you are able to do the same right from the comfort of your cozy bed. You can request books and have the librarian, this is a person who works at the library pull the books off of the shelf and have them ready for you right when you walk in the door.

Do you recognizethis famous character?? You're right boys & girls! I met Pete the CAT!! OMG!!

In Ginelle’s classroom, she would encourage her students to visit the local library to complete projects, papers and best of all for their enjoyment. The most awesome thing about the library is that, if they don’t have the materials, whether it be a book, CD or movie, you can request that it be sent to your local library. The local library that Ginelle uses can be found at the following web link: .Please click here to open up an array, this means a variety of virtual resources and to find your local library and :

nothing like reading about my favorite color and favorite food!! Yummy!!

                                                Happy Reading Pearlettes!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Love Like No Other......

A Love like No Other

It began as a warm, Saturday afternoon atop a beautiful mountain in Springville, Alabama. There were people everywhere rushing to complete their last minute tasks. The children were laughing and playing on the thick pretty apple green grass while admiring the beautiful mountain view. August 30, 2014 was the most important day of Ginelle’s life. It was her wedding day!

Check out the LOVELY mountains in the background.

I just LOVE this place, it's so breathtaking!!

I remember watching movies and reading about weddings in my favorite fairy tale story books. I know that the bride, the woman, wears a pretty dress and the groom, the man whom
she’s been“friends” with for awhile, show their love for each other in a ceremony in front of a minister, family and friends. During the ceremony, the couple exchange vows and rings. Vows are what they promise to do during their marriage and the rings simply seal the deal. Then at the end, they get to enjoy the best part of it all, eating the pretty cake. Yummy!!

Whoops! I must have taken a wrong turn! Although, these programs are really pretty!

While Ginelle enjoyed her day, these are a few quick pics that I took.

I can’t wait until I fall in love and get married to my prince. Marriage seems like such a wonderful thing especially if you have the chance to marry your best friend like Ginelle. She’s known her groom since high school, he was her first and last date!! And to top it all off, it all happened on her birthday. What better gift than that?!

And they lived HAPPILY ever after..........

Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Trip to St. Vincent’s Emergency Room

Red and white lights flashing… a loud siren blaring …. lots of people rushing in. This was the site at Ginelle’s mom house. Her mom had just come home from work and found her dad lying unresponsive (this means not moving or reacting when others called his name.) She immediately called 911 and then called Ginelle and I to follow the ambulance to the hospital. It was a very scary experience!

We arrived at St.Vincent’s emergency room and sat and waited for hours. Ginelle was very patient during the process and shared with me that during times like these, its best to pray and be brave for your parents. She did share a few tears but I gave her a hug and told her, “God has the situation under control and that pretty girls don’t cry.” Smile!

After the doctors and nurses ran lots and lots of tests on her dad, we found out that Ginelle’s dad suffered a stroke. I had no idea as to what a stroke was but Ginelle explained it to me. She said that a stroke was when the normal blood flow to the brain is cut off or stopped. It usually happens to older people, like grandparents. Kids don’t typically get them. Either way, with a stroke, brain cells die because they don't get the oxygen they need. WOW!

Ginelle’s dad was then placed on a lot of different machines and they placed him on a special floor called the ICU. This stands for intensive care unit. We weren’t able to take a lot of pictures because of the special machines that were on the floor but I did manage to snag a few cute quick pictures before the doctors came in . What do you think?

Don’t I look pretty ?

Oh my aching head!!

So friends, I know you’re wondering how her dad will recover from his stroke? The doctor told him he needed to get lots of rest, eat healthier and complete his rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is where they send her dad to workout with special people. Another thing that I felt would help Ginelle’s dad since he’s so technologically savvy was a free app called My Fitness Pal.

With the My Fitness Pal app, he can monitor how many calories he eats in a day. Her dad starts with a suggested calorie number and as the day progresses he types in everything he eats, how much exercise he’s done and how much water he’s had. It’s a pretty neat app and also allows you to share how much weight you’ve lost with your friends in the process. Please check out the app here:

Miracles & Blessings Pearlettes!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Who is Flat Pretty Pearl?


Pretty Pearl was a VERY pretty young lady. Every morning her routine was the exact same. She would jump out of bed, go to the mirror and shake her pretty head. While in the mirror she would say, "I am SO pretty to my left. I am SO pretty to my right. I am SOOO pretty I can't sleep at night." Her family would simply laugh and tell her "One day that mirror is going to be the death of you."

One morning, just before Pretty Pearl had the chance to complete her morning routine, the ugliest thing happened..... 

The mirror fell on top of her and flattened her. OH NO!! Poor Pretty Pearl. Pearls were everywhere! Now what was she going to do? Would she still be the prettiest girl in the world although she was flat? BUT OF COURSE! She would simply change her name to Flat Pretty Pearl. This new look was growing on her, because she needed to lose a couple of pounds anyway. 

Please join Flat Pretty Pearl on her many adventures!! Enjoy!!